From the very beginning, computers attracted me, not only as a machine for games and fun, but as something that is physically small but in my eyes huge, so unknown but so close, and with such a great potential. I was fascinated how something that is not alive can communicate and execute human orders.
Perhaps that justifies the fact that I was the only one who was happy when computer had a problem, so that I can see how it is repaired and how it actually works. I was eager to hear answers to questions that nobody could answer me.
Let’s keep in mind that those questions were before I started pre-school. In that period I was more interested in researching about computers and what they are capable of than the games themselves. Therefore, I was very curious to find out what are parts of the actual PC and how it can answer our commands.
In the middle of elementary school I already started searching for something that will allow me to create new programs and games for pc. At that time I heard that few years later I will have programming as a school subject and that we will learn Visual Basic 6. There was no end to my happiness. As a 6 grade student I entered the informatics competition for 8 graders, and made it to national finals.
As the end of primary school was closer and closer I became interested in electronics. My dream was to build perpetuum mobile. I was curious and eager to learn how to connect electrical devices, machines, and how to make programs to control them by myself. With that idea I entered technical competition in 8th grade. My project was Satellite Car Navigation and with it I won first place in my country.
That is how my story as a programmer started.